Pastor Notice

My dear Parishioners,

All of you should have received a letter from me this week, in both Italian and English, updating you on how the current health situation affects the life of the Parish. As we know, this situation can change from day to day. No sooner had the Letter gone out, and the weekly Bulletin was sent to the printer on Tuesday, that additional restrictions were made known to us! The principal one concerns the Palm. As you know, I tried in every possible way to maintain our wonderful Braiding and Palm Sale Tradition in some form. We were informed this week that we are not allowed to leave palm out for people to take.That would affect both the Church Hall and the Church itself on Palm Sunday. The concern is that the touching of the exposed palms could be a source of the transmission of disease…

Tutti voi avreste dovuto ricevere una mia lettera questa settimana, sia in italiano che in inglese, aggiornandovi su come l’attuale situazione sanitaria influisce sulla vita della Parrocchia. Come sappiamo, questa situazione può cambiare di giorno in giorno. Non appena fu spedita la Lettera, e il Bollettino settimanale fu inviato alla tipografia martedì, che ci furono rese note ulteriori restrizioni! Il principale riguarda la Palma. Come sapete, ho cercato in tutti i modi di mantenere in qualche modo la nostra meravigliosa tradizione di intrecciatura e vendita di palme. Questa settimana siamo stati informati che non ci è permesso di lasciare la palma della mano per le persone. Ciò influenzerebbe sia la Sala della Chiesa che la Chiesa stessa nella Domenica delle Palme. La preoccupazione è che il contatto dei palmi esposti potrebbe essere una fonte di trasmissione della malattia …

  • Holy Saviour Church continues to remain open each day from 8am to 3pm, so that you may come and pray before the Blessed Sacrament.
  • Confessions will continue to be heard on Monday mornings from 9 to 10am.
  • Weekly Bulletins are available online and there are printed copies in the Church.
  • ​Please take advantage of the Masses broadcast on EWTN each day and, for the Traditional Latin Mass, has a Live Mass broadcast each day, which remains on the site afterwards. Try, as much as possible to keep holy the Lord’s Day on Sunday. Remember also that, after the Holy Mass, the Rosary is our most precious gift, permitting us to dwell on the Mysteries of Our Lord’s Life, Death and Resurrection.
  • We priests continue to be available to you and are united with you in prayer, even if public Masses are not permitted.
  • I am humbly touched by the generosity of our people in mailing in their donations and donating electronically during this time! If you have not done so yet, please make use of the mailing envelopes you have received and electronic giving, linked from this site.
  • Our Archbishop is giving a series of Lenten Reflections, beginning Monday, March 30. More info and links at
  • As of now, our Parish Office remains open. However, as far as possible, we ask that you do Parish business by telephone or email:;

​Monsignor Sangermano